Annual Report 2020

The Effective Philanthropy Multiplier is an open platform for scaling up philanthropic products. The Multiplier has been scaling up effective philanthropic products and solving social problems efficiently at scale through measures such as grant-making, connecting resources, capacity building, branding, and experience sharing.

DOWNLOAD the Annual Report 2020 here.



(Presented in data graphs; based on data as of December 31, 2020)

In terms of increasing the scale of services, the 49 Multiplier products benefited 1,056,384,689 people in 1,700 regions in 31 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. Across the country, a total of 6,697 scale-up partners implemented these products at 61,419 program sites.

Regarding thought leadership, 31% of the products have played a leading role in their particular fields. 27% of products have produced systematic thoughts and reflections on the social problems they aim to solve. 39% of the products made significant efforts or progress in policy advocacy. 45% of the products advanced in engaging the public. 24% of the products achieved breakthroughs in the business field. 20% of products started to experiment with open-source models. In total, the products received 52 prestigious awards at or above the provincial level.

The products had achieved great improvement in sustainability in 2020. 84% of the products achieved upgrades. 53% of the products made new scaling-up attempts. 57% of the products further refined their development and organizational capacity. 84% of the products improved their financial sustainability. To date, the products have raised 1,237,842,521 RMB and mobilized 1,774,113 volunteers since they started scaling-up.


In 2020, 39 local hubs of the Multiplier located in 28 provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities have supported launching a total of 27 quality philanthropic products in 19 provinces, or municipalities. 582 social organizations have introduced and implemented high-quality philanthropic programs through the hubs. With assistance from the Multiplier, the products have raised over 19.28 million RMB. (Presented in data graphs)


Scaling Up Academy

The Scaling Up Academy further upgraded its curriculum in 2020, offering more informative and diversified capacity-building programs to philanthropy partners in both online and face-to-face settings.



Research advocacy

The Multiplier, in 2020, supported brand partners to deepen their understanding of social issues through research, summarize scale-up experience and models, and contribute valuable public knowledge to the sector, thereby generating more systematic impact. Two reports have been compiled this year, namely the Analysis on the Basic Situation of Inmates in Fujian and Their Minor Children, and Peers across the Seasons which is a study led by Marie Stopes International China on the history and development of sex education in China.

The Effective Philanthropy Multiplier and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers co-hosted the online launch of the Chinese report Seeing, Facilitating, Assessing Systems Change.


A case study produced with the support from the Multiplier was officially released as one of the typical case studies supporting the development of philanthropy infrastructure by two influential international platforms, Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) and the Alliance magazine.